Prepared for the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
- Explain EAR (Estimated Average Requirement), how does it differ from RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance). Justify normal requirements of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins for Infants.
- Explain the concept of Family Pot Feeding.
- Identify the need for preparation of the mother for Breast feeding with initiation and techniques of feeding. Give composition of colostrum (breast milk).
- Give indications for initiating supplementary feeding and starting of weaning methods.
- Discuss Lactation Failure and feeding problems, with comparative advantages of Infant Feeding Formulas. Discuss Homoeopathic remedies for management of such cases.
- Enlist requirements for best Infant Feeding Formula. Under what conditions would such formula be required for infant.
- Briefly discuss feeding problems during first year of life with Homoeopathic remedies for each.
- Give 12 points of breast feeding. What are the principles of weaning. What are the practical tips for weaning. Are there any contraindications to breast feeding?
- Short note: Breast milk diarrhoea.
- Indicate the importance of history and physical examination for assessment of nutritional status. Quote the expected values of noraml growth for a child of five years.
- Define SCU( Severe Childhood undernutrition)[PEM]. Classify SCU according to IAP,Wellcome trust. Elucidate pathophysiology, clinical features and complications.
- Ennumerate laboratory features of SCU .Highlight the diet for SCU along with management.
- Compare and contrast between foremilk and hindmilk.
- Write about the nutritional deficiency syndromes and vitamin deficiency states. Discuss the perspective that a homoeopathic physician should take in handling these conditions. Mention about miasmatic influences.
- Discuss the complications and prognosis of Vitamin A deficiency along with daily requirements. Write about common food sources.
- Discuss clinical manifestations of Niacin ( and Pyridoxine) along with its pathophysiology. What forms the diagnostic points of Niacin deficiency?
- Discuss the etiology, clinical manifestations of Vitamin C deficiency with laboratory investigations. Briefly write about diet modifications in such conditions with scope of homoeopathy.
- Give DD of Rickets. Discuss pathology of Rickets with its prognosis.
- Write a short note on Infantile Tetany.
- Discuss the effects of Vitamin K deficiency along with the miasmatic background. What are the scope of homoeopathy in such conditions.
- Write briefly about Hypervitaminosis A and D.
- Compare and contrast Kwashiorkar and Marasmus with laboratory findings.
- Discuss factors related to Obesity and discuss DD. What are the clinical features, complications of morbid obesity. Mention screeninjg criteria for obesity with few homoeopathic remedies.
Growth and development
- What are the types of development occuring in foetus. Briefly mention milestones of Prenatal development.
- Write about threats for foetal development. Elucidate the scope of Homoeopathy in such cases and need for miasmatic evaluation to give prophylaxis.
- Discuss the concepts in growth and development.
- What are the factors influencing the Newborn. Explain the role of Homoeopathic physician in developmental assessment and intervention of newborn.
- Discuss in detail implications of important milestones in early infancy and childhood along with age of normal occurance.
- Discuss the average age of attainment of communication and language skills (also :gross motor, fine motor, cognitive skills). Highlight the scope of Homoeopathic medicines in impairement of attainment of skills.
- List all important milestones till the age of 24 months.
- Short notes: significance of social smile (similarly for all milestones). What is the significance of early achievement of a milestone. How can a Homoeopath use this data to understand the individuality of the child.
- Short note: Breathe holding spells.
- Write about chronology of Dentition of primary and secondary teeth. Discuss about the problem concerned with the dentition along with Homoeopathic therapeutics.
- Comment about emerging patterns of behaviour from one to five yrs of age. What are the difficulties faced by the children during the transitions.
- What are the routine Anthropometric measures employed for assesssing normal growth and development of the child. Give the normal ranges for all the measures.
- Discuss the importance of the Anthropometric measurements for interpretation of normal growth and development in Under nourishment cases. Briefly mention various instruments used for the same.
- Write in brief various Anthropometric measurements and discuss the interpretations in their variations from normal.
- Write about Age-independent Anthropometric measures with the formulas to calculate. How to apply Sexual Maturity Rating.
- Discuss about perceptual, cognitive, language processes required in school going children. Also brief about the problem occuring as a cause of this with scope of Homoeopathy.
- Discuss about the central issues in Early, Middle, Late Adolescence. Also brief about the problem occuring as a cause of this with scope of Homoeopathy.
- What do the terms percentile and standard deviation convey in the interpretation of growth charts. How frequently does one monitor growth and development.
- Mention various indices present in the growth chart and highlight the significance of growth charts.
- Discuss the importance of growth charts. What is Road to Health signify.How does one analyse the growth patterns from the growth charts to interpret abnormal growth patterns.
- How to assess developmental delay with the help of growth charts. Write in detail about preventable causes for the same.
- Discuss in detail the etiology of Failure to Thrive. What is the role of psychology in such cases. How Homoeopathy can be effective along with nutritional supplementation. Discuss miasmatic influences.
- Write about Chronic illness of Childhood. Discuss the scope of Homoeopathy in management of such cases, mention few remedies under each conditions.
- How to approach the child with psychological disorders. How to assess the normal psychological growth and development in child.
- Short note: Psychosomatic illness in children.
- Mention in length the models of care in Pediatric Palliative Care along with scope of Homoeopathy.
Normal child
- Discuss in length what are the charecteristics of a NORMAL CHILD. What factors are assessed in all children to rule out any problem.
- Discuss the need to know the parameters of the NORMAL CHILD. How can a Homoeopathic physician benefit from such an assessment.
- Write about the guidelines to evaluate and classify as a Normal child. How can one employ principles of Homoeopathy for protection of the Normalcy?
Ethical issues in pediatric
- Discuss about common Ethical problems faced in Pediatrics.
- Write in brief about Child Abuse and various laws supporting its abolishion in India.
- Short note: Paternalism.
- What are the criterias for withholding and withdrawing life support. Mention the five characteristics of IDEAL OBSERVER THEORY.
- Short note: “Baby Doe” dilemma.
- Compare the use of Active and Passive Euthanasia.
- How do you justify screening in population. Mention the aspects of Adolescent Health Care.
Pathophysiology of body fluids and fluid therapy and relevance of biochemic therapy
- Write in brief about regulation of body water and electrolyte.
- Write in brief about acid-base equilibrium.
- Write in brief about dyselectrolytemias.
- Write in brief about disturbances in acid-base balance.
- Write in short about fluid and electrolyte therapy.
- Write in short about fluid therapy in special situations.
Critical care pediatrics
- Write in short about resuscitation of the newborn?
- How will you manage a case of cardiac arrest in children?
- How will you manage a case of asthma?
- How will you manage a case of croup?
- Write approach to the child of COMA and how will you manage?
- Write approach to the child of seizures and how will you manage?
- How will you manage a case of heart failure in children?
- How will you manage a case of acute renal failure in children?
- How will you manage a case of bleeding disorder in children?
- How will you manage a case of anaphylaxis in children?
- Write approach to the management of the severely injured child?
- Write approach to the management of the head injury in a child?
- Write approach to the management of the fracture in a child?
- Write approach to the management of the thermal injury in a child?
Neonatal infections, congenital abnormalities, genetic disorders and their homoeopathic therapeutics
- Write in brief about neonatal sepsis?
- Write in brief about pneumonia in newborn and its management?
- Write in brief about meningitis in newborn and its management?
- How will you diagnosis a case of neonatal jaundice and write its homoeopathic management?
- Write in brief about respiratory distress syndrome and its management?
- Write in brief about birth asphyxia and its management?
- Write in brief about neonatal seizures and its management?
- How will you diagnosis a case of down syndrome and write homoeopathic management?
- How will you diagnosis a case of turner syndrome and write homoeopathic management?
- How will you diagnosis a case of klinefelter syndrome and write homoeopathic management?
- Write in brief about fragile X syndrome?
- In short explain about marfan/single gene disorder?
- In short explain about neurofibromatosis?
- In short explain about rett syndrome?
- Write in brief about etiology, classification, clinical presentation and diagnostic investigations of congenital heart disorder?
- Write in short about following conditions,
- 1) Atrial septal defect.
- 2) Patent ductus arteriosus.
- 3) Ventricular septal defect.
- 4) Tetrology of fallot.
- How will you manage the case of CHD and write scope of homoeopathy in CHD?
- Write in brief about congenital talipes equino varus and congenital dislocation of hip?
- Write in short about congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
- Write in short about congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
- Write scope of homoeopathy in congenital and genetic disorders?
Allergic diseases in children
- Define allergic rhinitis & Explain in brief about its cause, pathogenesis, clinical features with complications and management with homoeopathic therapeutics?
- Define childhood asthma & Explain in brief about its cause, pathogenesis, clinical features with complications and management with homoeopathic therapeutics?
- Define childhood asthma & Explain in brief about its pathogenesis, clinical features with complications, diagnosis and investigations for asthma?
- Describe lung function abnormalities in childhood asthma?
- Differential diagnosis of childhood asthma?
- Four components of the optimal asthma management?
- Define atopic dermatitis & Explain in brief about its cause, pathogenesis, clinical features with complications and management with homoeopathic therapeutics?
- Define anaphylaxis & Explain in brief about its cause, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and its management?
- Write in brief about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of serum sickness?
- Prevention of anaphylaxis.
- Write in brief about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of insect allergy?
- Write in brief about following conditions,
- 1) Allergic conjunctivitis.
- 2) Vernal conjunctivitis.
- 3) Atopic conjunctivitis.
- 4) Giant conjunctivitis.
- 5) Contact allergy.
- Write GIT, Skin and Respiratory manifestation of food allergens in children?
- Write in short about adverse food reactions?
- Write approach to a case of allergic condition in a child?
- Write scope of homoeopathy in allergic conditions in children?
Infectious diseases
- Write in brief about fever, its pathogenesis, clinical manifestations or types of fever and its treatment.
- Write in brief about PUO, its etiology and how will you diagnosis the case of PUO in children.
- Write in detail about differential diagnosis of sepsis.
- Write clinical manifestation of the staphylococcus aureus in different parts of the body with diagnosis.
- Write the diagnostic criteria of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome.
- Write in brief etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of streptococcal pneumonia.
- Write types and clinical manifestations of group-A streptococcal infection on different parts of the body.
- Write in brief about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis of rheumatic fever.
- Write the jones criteria for rheumatic fever and its differential diagnosis.
- Write in detail about the manifestations of C. Diphtheriae infection on different anatomical sites of the body.
- Write in detail about etiology, mode of transmission, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and homoeopathic therapeutics of measles?
- Write about diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and prevention of measles?
- Write in detail about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and homoeopathic therapeutics of dawson encephalitis?
- Write about diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and prevention of dawson encephalitis?
- Write in detail about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and homoeopathic therapeutics of rubella?
- Write about diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and prevention of rubella?
- Write in short about congenital rubella?
- Write in detail about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of progressive rubella panencephalitis?
- Write in detail about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of mumps?
- Write complications and prevention of mumps?
- Write in detail about etiology, mode of transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of poliomyelitis?
- Write in detail about clinical manifestations and prevention of poliomyelitis?
- Write Clinical manifestations of enterovirus infections?
- Write differential diagnosis of enterovirus infections?
- Write the clinical features of parvovirus infection?
- Papular-purpuric “gloves and socks” syndrome (PPGSS).
- Write clinical features of herpes simplex virus?
- Write in brief about herpes zoster?
- Write in brief about infectious mononucleosis?
- Write in brief about roseola infantum?
- Write in detail about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and homoeopathic management of influenza?
- Write the clinical manifestation of respiratory syncytial virus?
- Write the clinical manifestation of respiratory adenovirus?
- Write in short about Japanese encephalitis?
- Write in short about tick-borne encephalitis?
- Write in short about yellow fever?
- Describe about etiology and clinical manifestation of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever?
- Write in detail about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and homoeopathic management of rabies?
- Write in detail about etiology, spread, pathogenesis and diagnosis of AIDS?
- Write in detail about clinical manifestation and prevention of AIDS?
- How will you diagnosis a case of amebiasis in children and write its homoeopathic management?
- Write about etiology, clinical manifestation and diagnosis of giardia lamblia?
- Write about etiology, clinical manifestation and diagnosis of giardia lamblia?
- Write the different forms leishmaniasis and clinical manifestations of each?
- Write etiology, pathogenesis, types, diagnosis and homoeopathic management of leishmaniasis?
- Write about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation and diagnosis of malaria?
- Write prevention and homoeopathic management of malaria?
- Write about etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation and diagnosis of filariasis?
- Write prevention and homoeopathic management of filariasis?
- Write approach towards the case of pulmonary tuberculosis?
- Write homoeopathic therapeutics of tuberculosis?
- Write in brief about bacterial meningitis?
- Write in brief about tubercular meningitis?
- Write in brief about viral meningitis?
- Write homoeopathic therapeutics of meningitis?
- Write about etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, complications and homoeopathic management of diphtheria?
- Write about etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and homoeopathic management of pertussis?
- Write about etiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis, prevention and homoeopathic management of tetanus?
- Write approach and homoeopathic management of enteric fever?
- Write in brief about chickenpox and its homoeopathic management?
- Write etiology, transmission, clinical features, classification and diagnosis of leprosy?
- Write homoeopathic therapeutics of leprosy?
- Write an approach to a child with fever and skin rash?
- Write about prevention and control in infectious diseases?
Endocrine system
- How will you approach to pt of polyurea, polydipsia and hypernatremia?
- Explain Albright Hereditory osteodystrphy? What is suppression test and stimulation?
- What is Cushing syndrome. Explain the cause clinical feature and investigation?
- What is significance of hypoglycemia in neonatal period
- What is Precocious puberty in male.explain it in terms of etio investigation .How you will evaluate the case with management
- Water deprivation test
- Newer insulin
- Intersex
- Infants of diabetic mother – complication
- Juvenile delinquency
- Insuline tolerance test
- Sotos-syndrome
- Medicational precocity
- Di george syndrome
- Achondroplasia
- Solitary thyroid nodule
Metabolic disorder
- What is essential amino acid ?. Explain classical phenyl ketourea ? how you will manage the case of phenylalaninuria and explain its relation with cofactor BH4?
- Describes briefly about the clinical feature and investigation of these condition
- Homocystinuria
- Inborn error of metabolism of GABA
- Tangier Disease
- Smith-lemli opitz syndrome (SLOS)
- What is the lysosomal lipid storage disease
- Describe the lactic acidosis
- Explain te etiology ,clinical feature& mucopolysacchridosis investigation and homoeopathic management of Mucopolysacchridosis?
- What happens when there is deficiency of specific enzyme of heme biosynthetic pathway?
- What is porphyria? Give the classification and diagnosis of porphyries?
- Give the significance of hypoglycemia in different paediatric age group?
- Beckwith- wiedemann syndrome
- Hypernatrimic dehydration
- Neonatal hypoglycemia
- Clinical evaluation of albuminaria
- Tay-Sachs disease and sadhoff disease
- Gaucher disease
- Neimann-pick disease
- Fabry disease
Immunologic disorder
- What is national immunization program ? what is the role of optinal vaccine
- What is lymphopoisis? Whatis difference between prenatal and post natal lymphopoisis
- Whate is immunity? Give the types of immunity?
- Describe De-George syndrome. Give the etio,patho, clinical feature and treatment
- What is severe combined immunodeficiency disorder ? what is the treatment of choice for SCID?
- Cold chain
- Newer typhoid vaccine
- Stigma of verrecella-zoster virus fetopathy
- Viral hepatitis-A prophylaxis
- Influenza vaccine
- Human milk bank
- Nonimmune hydropes fetalis
- Henoch- schonlein purpura
- Vit- A suplimentation
- Brnxism
- German measles
- BCG Vaccine
- ARI control program
- National health program
- Child survival &safe motherhood program
Psycologic disorder
- What is psychosomatic illness? Give the brief description about A.) Body dismorphic disorder B.) Conversion disorder C.) hypochondriosis D.) Factitious disorder.
- What is vegetative disorder. Explain enuresis briefly in the terms of etiology,and homoeopathic management
- Explain Autism in terms of cause, clinical feature, investigation and management of the case.
- What is habit disorder or tic disorder
- What is the ADHD? How will you manage the case of ADHD
- What Pervasive developmental disorder, with classification. Explain about Autistic disorder in brief. Give homoeopathic scope in this field.
- Define the learning disability and discuss its homoeopathic management.
- Taurette syndrome
- Pica – Management
- Panic disorder
- Obssesive compulsive disorder
- Elective mutism
- Bulimia nervosa
- Asperger disorder
- Heller dementia
- Child guidance clinics
- Communication skill in infancy
Environmental diseases and homoeopathic therapeutics
- Biological effect of radiation on children? Medicines for bad effect of radiation.
- Chemical pollutants? General Management, Medicinal management with 3 medicines.
- Lead poisoning:- symptoms & diagnosis with Therapeutics.
- Rat-bite fever:- clinical features, diagnosis & Therapeutics.
- Snake bite:- pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, general management & Therapeutics.
- Arsenic intoxication:- pathophysiology, clinical manifestations with Therapeutics.
Digestive system and homoeopathic therapeutics
- Clinical approach to a child with jaundice?
- Clinical approach to a child with vomiting, abdominal pain?
- Clinical approach to a child with hepatosplenomegaly
- Acute diarrhoeal disease-Etiopathogenesis, clinical differentiation of watery and invasive diarrhoea, complications of diarrhoeal illness with therapeutics.
- Assessment of dehydration, treatment at home and in hospital.
- Fluid and electrolyte management. Oral rehydration, composition of ORS.
- Clinical features and management of acute viral hepatitis with miasms
- Causes & diagnosis of Chronic Liver Disease with therapeutics
- Common causes of constipationwith therapeutics.
- Inflammatory bowel disease types & examples?
- Disorders of malabsorption?
- Chronic diarrhea, causes, managent general & medicinal management
- Acute appendicitis symptoms & sighns?
- Common hernias in childhood & treatment of each?
Respiratory system and homoeopathic therapeutics
- Clinical approach to a child with cyanosis with therapeutics.
- Respiratory distress & wheezing. Therapeutics.
- Significance of recession, retraction of chest muscles in respiratory complaints.
- Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, complications, investigations, differential diagnosis and management of acute upper respiratory infections
- Pneumonia with emphasis on bronchopneumonia?
- Explain about bronchitis.
- Etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, classification and management of bronchial asthma, Treatment of acute severe asthma
- Pulmonary tuberculosis-tuberculous infection versus tuberculous disease, difference between primary and post-primary. Tuberculosis Etiopathogenesis, diagnostic criteria in children versus adults.
- Diagnostic aids-technique and interpretation of Mantoux test and BCG test. Radiological patterns, Multidrug resistant tuberculosis,
- Explain about Bronchiectasis. With therapeutics.
- Describe the etiopathogenesis and management of a child with pneumonia.
- Write a short note on acute severe asthma with therapeutics.
Cardiovascular system and homoeopathic therapeutics
- Clinical features, diagnosis, investigation, treatment and prevention of acute rheumatic fever therapeutics with indication?
- Common forms of rheumatic heart disease in childhood. Explain miasms of each?
- Differentiation between rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis. Explain the Jones criteria
- Congenital acyanotic and cyanotic heart disease differentiate both.
- Hemodynamics
- Clinical features and management of VSD, PDA, ASD and Fallot’s tetralogy (Cyanotic spells).
- Recognition of congestive cardiac failure in children.
- Hypertension in children-recognition and referral.
- Diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis, pericardial effusion, myocarditis.
- Describe the clinical features and management of rheumatic fever.
- Describe the pathogenesis of rheumatic heart disease.
Locomotar system and therapeutics.
- Osteomylitis etiology pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics?
- Spondylosis & spondilolisthesis differentiate & explain about clinical manifestations, radiological evaluation & general & medicine management?
- Suppurative arthritis etiology, pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics
- Osteochodritis etiology, pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics
- Causes of anaemia in childhood. Classification based on aetiology and morphology.
- Epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, management and prevention of nutritional anemia-iron deficiency, megaloblastic anaemia.
- Definition and classification of haemolytic anemia.
- Clinical approach to a child with anaemia.
- Differential Diagnosis of Microcytic Hypochromic Anemia.
- Epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, investigations, and Homoeopathic management of thalassemia.
- Approach to a bleeding child.
- Clinical features and management of hemophilia, ITP.
- How will you diagnose a case of sickle cell anemia. Write its clinical features and scope of homoeopathic treatment.
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation.
- Anemia in the Newborn.
- Bleeding disorders in the Newborn.
Nephrology and urology
- Causes and diagnosis of hematuria in Children.
- Basic etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, complications, and Homoeopathic management of acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis.
- Describe the aetio-pathogenesis, clinical features, and miasmatic evolution of Nephrotic Syndrome with four Homoeopathic medicines.
- Describe the aetio-pathogenesis, clinical features, and miasmatic evolution of Acute and Chronic Renal failure.
- Renal and Bladder stones (Urolithiasis) and its Homoeopathic management.
- Aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and Homoeopathic management of urinary tract infection-acute and recurrent
- Causes and diagnosis of obstructive uropathy in children.
- Disorders of Micturition.
- Congenital abnormalities of Kidney and urinary tract.
- Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.
- Vesicoureteric Reflux (VUR).
- Posterior Urethral valves.
- Renal Tubular Acidosis.
- Neprogenic Diabetes Insipidus
- Renal Vasculitis.
Central nervous system:
- Hydrocephalus Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and homoeopathic management?
- Febrile seizures Aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and Homoeopathic management ?
- Neonatal seizures Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and homoeopathic management?
- Aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and Homoeopathic management of Epilepsy ?
- Migraine Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and homoeopathic management?
- Cerebral palsy types, Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management?
- Acute bacterial meningitis Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management?
- Types of Chorea Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management?
- Explain briefly about Neurocutaneous syndromes?
- Explain briefly about Neural tube defects?
Cancer and benign tumors:
- Aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and Homoeopathic management of Lymphoblastic leukemia?
- Aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and Homoeopathic management of Myeloblastic leukemia?
- Hodgkins lymphoma Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management?
- Non hodgkins lymphoma Etiopathogenesis, clinical features and management?
- Classification of Brain tumors? Scope of homoepathy in the brain tumors?
- Aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis and Homoeopathic management of Wilms tumor
- Osteosarcoma pathogenesis, clinical features, and homoeopathic management?
- Classification of Dermatitis; pathophysiology, clinical manifestations with homoeopathic Therapeutics?
- Seborrhoiec dermatitis aetiology,pathophysiology, clinical manifestations with Therapeutics?
- Describe the aetio-pathogenesis, clinical features, and miasmatic evolution of Atopic dermatititis?
- Classification of Tinea ;etiology, pathogenesis, clnical manifestations & diagnosis with miasmatic background & therapeutics?
- Classification of Psoriasis.clinical features, homoeopathic management?
- Describe the aetio-pathogenesis, clinical features, and miasmatic evolution Molluscum contagiosum?
- Describe the aetio-pathogenesis, clinical features, and miasmatic evolution of Scabies?
- Abnormalities of refraction and accommodation and its management?
- Strabismus aetio pathogenesis, clinical features, and homoeopathic management
- Nystagmus aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, and homoeopathic management
- Ophthalmia neonatorum aetiopathogenesis, clinical features, and homoeopathic management
- Conjunctivitis classification, -pathogenesis, clinical features, and homoeopathic management.
- Approach to a child with Cataract ?
- Childhood glaucoma -pathogenesis, clinical features, and scope of homoeopathy?
- Amaourosis. Causes and scope of homoeopathy?
- Approach to a child with Hearing loss?
- Otitis media pathogenesis, clinical features, and homoeopathic management?
Gastrointestinal System and liver
- USG in acute abdomen.
- Barium studies
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
- CT scan
- Viral markers
- Angiography
- Laparoscopy
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Blood per rectum-causes & investigations
- Needle biopsy
- X-ray abdomen
- Stool examination
Respiratory system
- Chest x-ray
- Pulmonary Function test
- Pulmonary Function test
- Forced expiratory flow volume
- Bronchoscopy
- Blood gas analysis
- Pulmonary angiography
- Arterial blood gas
- Lung biopsy
- Pleural biopsy
- Thoracocentisis
- Pleural fluid examination
- Mantoux test
- Sweat chloride test
Cardio-vascular system
- Coronary angiography
- CT scan
- Pulse oximeter
Loco motor system & osteology
- Serum examination in gout
- Bone and joint X- ray
- Radiological changes in rickets
- Bone isotope scanning
- Total body calcium
- Bone trephine test
Nephrology and urology
- Urine examination
- Urine microscopic examination and interpretation
- Glomerular Filtration Rate
- Tubular Function
- Creatinine Clearance
- Intravenous pyelogram
- Micturating Cystourethrogram
- Radionuclide Imaging
- Renography
- Radionuclide imaging
- Renal Biopsy
- Clinical evaluation of albuminuria
- Apt test
- Coomb’s test
- Blood investigations
- Bone marrow examination
- Haemogram in iron deficiency anemia
- Tumor markers
- Screening test for variety cancer
Central nervous system
- Electroencephalogram
- Lumbar puncture
- CSF analysis
- Electromyography
- CT scan of brain
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Ultrasonography
- Positron emission tomography
- Plasma hormonal estimation
- Endocrine imagining
Infectious diseases
- Tuberculin test
- Mantoux test
- Culture
- Anion gap
- Screening of new born
- Serological tests
A chest x-ray is a type of diagnostic radiology procedure used to examinethe chest and the organs
and structures located in the chest. Chest x-raysmay be used to assess the lungs, as well as the
heart (either directly orindirectly) by looking at the heart itself. Certain conditions of the
heart may cause changes in the lungs and/or the vessels of the lungs.