IHMA Model MD Homeopathy Entrance 2006 Paper II

Questions : 150    Marks : 600     Time : 120 Minutes

1. Please read the instructions given in the OMR Answer Sheet for marking answers. Candidates are advised to strictly follow the instructions contained in the OMR Answer Sheet.

2. For each question there are four suggested answers, given against (A), (B), (C) and (D) of which only one will be MOST APPROPRIATE answer. Indicate it in the OMR Answer Sheet.

3. Negative Marking: In order to discourage wild guessing, the score will be subject to penalization formula based on the number of right answers actually marked and the number of wrong answers marked. Each correct answer will be awarded FOUR marks. ONE mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer. More than one answer marked against a question will be deemed as an incorrect response and will be negatively marked.                                                           

1.A 15 year old girl complains of acne on face, which started after she tried out some cosmetics. Ever since the complaint started, she is also getting urticarial rashes, < after bathing, and any emotional excitement. She feels very uncomfortable with tight clothing around her waist. The remedy is

  • A) Ant-c              B) Lycopodium
  • C) Urtica urens D) Bovista

2.A 50 year old patient with peptic ulcer developed persistent vomiting since 5 days. He has not been taking any solid food since complaint started. He has thirst for very cold drinks, but on drinking is immediately vomited. His wife said that he has become very anxious and restless, and wants her to be near him always. On examination his tongue was found to be coated thick white. Initial treatment consisted of IV Saline and Ars alb 30, but without relief. The most suitable remedy is

  • A) Phoshorus B) Bismuth
  • C) Antim crud D) Cadmium sulph

3.Remedy with elective affinity on the spleen.

  • A) Ceanothus only                                    B) Ceanothus and Thlaspi Bursa
  • C) Ceanothus & Fraxinus americana D) None

4.Dimercuros ammonium nitrate is better known as

  • A) Merc cor       B) Merc sol
  • C) Merc dulcis  D) Nitri spiritus dulcis.

5.Calc-p has a complementary relation with

  • A) Ruta only                                  B) Ruta & Hammamelis
  • C) Ruta & Trillium Pendulum D) Hammamelis & Trillium Pendulum

6.Kali-c is followed by this remedy in hip disease

  • A) Rhus-t B)Calc-p
  • C) Ledum D) Flouric acid

7.Dr. EB Nash has said, “there are no two remedies that are oftener indicated after each other, and work as well when so indicated, than these two” – Which are these two remedies ?

  • A) Sulph & Calc B) Sulph & Caust
  • C) Bry & Rhus-t D) Nux-v & Sepia

8.Match symptoms in List-I with Remedies in List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists
List-I                             List II
(Symptoms)                   (Medicines)

  • A. Aversion to children  1. Coffea
  • B. Loves power             2.Platina.
  • C. Benevolence             3. Helleborus.
  • D. Everything seems new 4. Lycopodium

(a) A B C D
2 4 1 3
(b) A B C D
4 2 3 1
(c) A B C D
3 4 1 2
(d) A B C D
4 2 1 3
9.According to Boericke, this remedy has a specific action in panaritium

  • A)Myristica      B) Dioscorea
  • C) Gun powder D) Graphites

10.Scanty sweat is found in

  • A) Camphor & Squilla B) Camphor & opium
  • C) Opium & Squilla       D) None

11.Hemorrhage forming into long black strings hanging from bleeding surface is found in.

  • A) Crocus sativus only                         B) Crocus sativus & Ferrum met
  • C) Crocus sativus & Sulphuric acid D) Crocus sativus & Elaps cor

12.“Throbbing pain in neck of bladder, as if a straw was being thrust back and forth” is found in

  • A) Sarasaparilla B) Sabal ser
  • C) Conium           D) Digitalis.

13.A person feels that he has been singled out for God’s vengence. He may require

  • A) Hyoscyamus B) Kali brom
  • C) Lyssin              D) Anacardium

14.According to HC Allen, the burning feet of Sulphur and restless fidgety feet of Zincum are both found at the same time in

  • A) Lachesis            B)Tarentula
  • C) Medorrhinum D) Kali brom

15.“Involuntary stool while urinating” is found in

  • A) Muriatic acid, Alumina & Aloe                  B) Muriatic acid, Causticum & Aloe
  • C) Muriatic acid, Gelsimium & Causticum  D)Muriatic acid only

16. Which among the following medicines is suitable for “ prickly heat”

  • (a)Cephalandra indica
  • (b)Syzygium jambolanum
  • (c)Abroma augusta
  • (d)Gymnema sylvestre

17. Aversion to sweets is seen in

  • (a)Thyroidinum
  • (b)Sabadilla
  • (c)Radium bromide
  • (d)Kali carb

18. One of the following medicines was proved by S.Lilienthal, Name the medicine?

  • (a)Sticta pulmonale
  • (b)Picric acid
  • (c)Natrum phosphoricum
  • (d)Moschus

19. Which part of the lung is affected by Sanguinaria canadensis?

  • (a)Right upper lobe
  • (b)Right middle lobe
  • (c)Right lower lobe
  • (d)Whole right lung

20. Medicine for “Acute idiocy” is

  • (a)Aethusa cynapium (b)Baryta carb
  • (c)Brahmi                        (d)Helleborus Niger

21. “Headache and diarrhoea from jarring of cars” is seen in

  • (a)Syphilinum
  • (b)Tuberculinum
  • (c)Psorinum
  • (d)Medorrhinum

22. “Coryza ending in diarrhoea” – indicated medicine is

  • (a)Selenium
  • (b)Theridion
  • (c)Lac can
  • (d)Allium cepa

23. Find out the medicine from the following symptoms
Great emaciation, debility and tendency to ascites and general dropsy
Gastric and duodenal ulcers
Abdomen bloated, gas, second only to Lycopodium
Causes glycosuria

  • (a)Helonius
  • (b)Phosphoric acid
  • (c)Uranium nitricum
  • (d)Abroma augusta

24. “Tongue flabby, resembling a layer of dried clay” is the symptom of

  • (a)Calcarea sulph
  • (b)Hydrastis
  • (c)Merc dulsis
  • (d)Podophyllum

25. Medicine for hypermetropia is

  • (a)Jaborandi
  • (b)Arnica
  • (c)Alfalfa
  • (d)Avena sativa

26. According to Gurnsey “Sanicula is the chronic of which medicine”

  • (a)Belladonna
  • (b)Magnesia carb
  • (c)Chamomilla
  • (d)Zinc met

27. “Child looks old, dried up like a mummy” is the symptom of

  • (a)Carcinocin
  • (b)Arg nit
  • (c)Rad bromide
  • (d)Sanicula

28. Indicated medicine for “Railway spine” is

  • (a)Symphytum
  • (b)Plumb met
  • (c)Picric acid
  • (d)Bellis per

29. “Chill at 2 p.m begins internally in stomach region” is the characteristic symptom of

  • (a)Pulsatilla
  • (b)Cocculus
  • (c)Calc carb
  • (d)Nux vom

30. “Head symptoms are relieved by emission of flatus” is seen in

  • (a)Cicuta virosa
  • (b)Sang can
  • (c)Nat sulph
  • (d)Bufo rana

31.Repertory of eczema was written by

  • a. mills paugh b. morgan
  • c. clake             d. Guernsey

32.First French repertory is

  • a. fragmenta de viribus
  • b. Allentown manual
  • c. a homoeopathic repertory of symptomatology
  • d. symptom repertory

33.How many gradations are there in synthetic repertory

  • a. three b. four
  • c. five d. two

34. First card repertory

  • a. Guernsey b. boger’s
  • c. kishore’s d. sharma’s

35. Showing respect for elders

  • a. reveries      b. presumptuous
  • c. reverence d. estranged

36. Rubric having most no of nosodes

  • a. generalities abscess recurrent b. eye conical cornea
  • c. eyes styes recurrent                    d. teeth serrated

37. Rubric delicate children is given in which chapter of boger’s repertory

  • a. aggravation & amelioration b. sensations and complaints
  • c. mind                                              d. generalities

38. Remedy for syphilitic vertigo in Kents repertory

  • a. aurum b. cocc
  • c. Spig     d. Sep

39. Rubric epulis is seen in which chapter in Kent’s repertory

  • a. teeth b. mouth
  • c. eyes d. urine

40. In which chapter rubric pneumatocele is given in boger’s repertory

  • a. stomach        b. pubic and inguinal region
  • c. generalities d. chest

41. Fever without chill is given in which chapter of Kent’s repertory

  • a. fever                  b. chill
  • c. perspiration  d. generalities

42. Confusion muddled etc is given in which chapter of the boger’s repertory

  • a. mind      b. Sensations and complaints
  • c. vertigo d. sensorium

43. Haemorrhoids is given in which chapter of the boenninghausens repertory

  • a. rectum b. anus
  • c. stool     d. sensations and complaints

44. Remedy for puts things to mouth in boger’s repertory

  • a. stramonium b. hyocyamus
  • c. belladonna  d. Mercurius

45. Rubric perspiration gives no relief is given in which chapter of Kent’s repertory

  • a. chill b. perspiration
  • c. fever d. generalities

46. Asphyxia neonatorum is given in which chapter of boger’s repertory

  • a. respiration                  b. chest
  • c. larynx and trachea d. sensations and complaints

47. Remedy for cough amelioarated by eructations in kents repertory

  • a. sang   b. nux v
  • c. sep    d. Sulph

48. Rubric falling to the ground with consiousness is given in boger’s repertory

  • a. mind             b. vertigo
  • c. sensorium d. sensations and complaints

49.Rubric cracks in the corners of mouth is given in which chapter of kents repertory

  • a. mouth   b. face
  • c. skin       d. generalities

50.Remedy for well says he is when very sick in kents repertory

  • a. arn       b. lyco
  • c. nat-m d. opium

51.What is quis

  • a. personality                b. cause of the disease
  • c. nature of disease    d. modifying factors

52.What is doctrine of analogy

  • a. grand generalization b. concordance
  • c. cross reference           d. relations

53.Hot and cold remedies is written by

  • a. kent                      b. M.L.tyler
  • c. gibbson miller d. John weir

54.Latest repertory

  • a. kents repertories generale b. reperotrium universalice
  • c. complete repertory              d. synthesis repertory

55. which one of the following is not a computer repertory

  • a. CIRH           b. RADAR
  • c. KENMBO   d. RCNP

56.Cito tuto et jecunde means

  • a) Quickly ,safely,pleasantly
  • b)safely ,quickly ,pleasantly
  • c) pleasantly, safely ,quickly
  • d)quickly ,pleasantly,safely

57.The sign of complete cure in Syphilis is disappearance of

  • a) Bubo                                            b)Chancre
  • c) Scar leaving healthy skin   d) None

58.Antpsoric is most useful during

  • a. menses    b. fasting
  • c. lactation d. pregnancy

59. If true chronic miasm are present in a patient what is to be treated first

  • a. psora      b. sycosis.
  • C. syphilis d. secondary syphilis

60. If menses be profuse, Hahnemann advices

  • a. sepia       b. Nux vom
  • c. Sulphur d. Carb veg

61. Aversion to meat is seen in

  • a. psora b. tubercular
  • c. sycosis d. Syphilis

62. Best time for taking antipsoric is

  • a. after food                                      b. before food
  • c. early morning while fasting d. at bed time

63. Simple food causes colic in

  • a. psora b. tubercular
  • c. sycosis d. Syphilis

64. Sequele is a manifestation of

  • a. acute disease b. epidemic
  • c. latent psora   d. latent sycosis

65. Complaints relieved by haemorrhage is a manifestation of

  • a) Psora      b) Pseudopsora
  • c) Syphilis  d) Psora

66. Basilar headache is a feature of

  • a) Pseudopsora b)sycosis c) syphilis d) psora

67. Desire for salt and potato is seen in

  • a) Pseudopsora b)sycosis c) syphilis d) psora

68. Of the below which is 6th observation

  • a. action of medicine upon provers
  • b. a full time amelioration of the symptoms yet no relief of the patient
  • c. too short relief of symptoms
  • d. amelioration comes first and the aggravation comes after wards

69. According to Kent the physician must know himself and that the patient is on the road to recovery – when?

  • a. 9th observation
  • b. 10th observation
  • c. 11th observation
  • d. 12th observation

70. After the administration of the medicine, when a new group of symptoms appears some where in the body relative to the patient, such as the patient as never had, then according to Kent the second prescription

  • a. repetition                 b. antidote
  • c. change of remedy d. complementary

71.According to kent menstruation belongs to

  • a)general     b)particular
  • c)common d)Basic

72.Of the below who said “A rational knowledge of anatomy is important .No homoeopath ever discouraged the true study of anatomy and physiology

  • a) Stuart close b) J T Kent
  • c) H A Roberts d) Hering

73.What is genius of homoeopathy according to Stuart close

  • a) Similia similibus curenter
  • b) materia medica
  • c) Individualization
  • d) dynamisation

74. Hering advised selecting at least—- characteristic symptom as the basis of prescribing.

  • a) One b) three
  • c) four d) ten

75.Word symptom is derived from

  • a. Greek b. Latin
  • c. Arabic d.None

76. Homoeopathy is a therapeutic method – not a doctrine or a system

  • a. Hering b. Garth boericke
  • c. Hughes d. J.H. Allen

77. The following severe as an obstacle to cure by deflecting the current of symptomatology

  • a. unhappy domestic conditions
  • b. increase use of sedatives
  • c. pathological conditions of the patient
  • d. all of the above

78. Medicine in too smaller doses when repeated for a long time produces which symptoms

  • a. generic b. central
  • c. peripheral d. none

79. Symptoms which are clinically verified, not confirmed by reproving – belongs to which grade?

  • a. first b. second
  • c. third d. fourth

80. LORD BACON is known as

  • a. master clinician                b. prince of physician
  • c. the Luther of medicine   d. none

81. Contributions of Aristotle to medicine

  • a. book known as “the pathway to the surgeons chest”
  • b. laid the foundation of comparative anatomy and embryology
  • c. both A and B

82. The first president of central council of homoeopathy was

  • a. Jugal kishore b. Saxena
  • c. A.K. Kisku      d. P.C. Majumdar

83. Show me the examination of sick person, and I will tell you if the man knows anything about our material medica. Who told this?

  • a. Hahnemann b. Kent.
  • C. Boger             d. Adolph lippe

84. With children, lunatics and liars, you have to use your own observations

  • a. Kent       b. M.L. Tyler
  • c. Burnett d. Boger

85. The silent , heartfelt thankfulness that hahnemann was born and lived his life and left us the results of his discoveries in the ORGANON, chronic disease and MATERIA MEDICA PURA is the best way to celebrate this wonderful mans birthday- whose words is this?

  • a. Kent           b. Boenninghausen
  • c. H.C.Allen d. T.F.Allen

86. Which of the following is the best choice to evaluate radiologically a posterior fossa tumor?

  • a.CT                       b.MRI
  • c.Angiography d.Myelography

87. High resolution computed tomography of the chest is the ideal modality in

  • a.Pleural effusion b.Intrestitial lung disease
  • c.Lung mass          d.Mediastinal; adenopathy

88. Bracket calcification in skull x-ray is seen in

  • a)Tuberous scelorosis      b)Menigioma
  • c)Corpus callosu lipoma d)Sturge weber syndrome

89. Marble bone appearance is characteristics of

  • a)Flurosis                                   b)Osteopetrosis
  • c)Osteogenesis imperfecta d)Achondroplasis

90.Pavor nocturnes is

  • a)Somnambulism b)Sleep terror
  • c)Sleep bruxism d)Sleep apnea

91.La bella indifference is seen in

  • a)Mania       b) Dissociative disorder
  • c)Delirium d)Depression

92.Intrepretation of dream by Freud

  • a)1919 b)1900
  • c)1987 d)1956

93.Pseudocommunity is seen in

  • a)Schizotypal personality dosorder
  • b)Drug dependance
  • c)Dementia
  • d)Paranod state

94.’Folie a deux’ was first described by

  • a)Jules b)Asher
  • c)Janet d)Lasegue & Falert

95.Schizophrenia is a disorder of

  • a)Perception b) Memory
  • c)Belief            d)Tought

96. Condyloma lata is present in ———— syphillis

  • a)Primary     b) Secondary
  • c) Tertiaray d) Latent

97.Fox fordyce

  • a)Bullous lesions are common b)Common in adult women
  • c)Common in areola & axilla  d)Associated with other malignancies

98.Myrmecia warts are

  • a)Palmar warts    b)Plantar warts
  • c)Inguinal warts d)Veruccous warts

99.Coomonest site of atopic dermatitis is

  • a)Elbow b) Trunk
  • c)Scalp d) Ant cubital fossa

100.Herpes zoster is commonly seen in

  • a)Geniculate ganglion b)Lumbar region
  • c)Thoracic region        d)Cervical region

101. Postspinal headache is due to

  • a)Menigioma b)Injury to spinal cord
  • c)Menigitis    d)CSF leak from dura

102.Most common complication of acute otitis media in children

  • a)Facial nerve palsy      b)Deafness
  • c) Chornic mastoiditis  d)Cholesteatoma

103.Schwartze operation is done in

  • a)CSOM               b) Acute mastoiditis
  • c)Otosclerosis d)Serous otitis media

104.Otosclerois affects

  • a)Tympanic membrane b)Round window
  • c) Oval window                 d)Ossicle

105. Percentage of newborn with deviation of nasal septum

  • a)50 b) 20
  • c) 10 d) 2

106.Tears are produced in newborn after

  • a)1 week b) 2 week
  • c) 3 week d) 4 week

107. Rosette catract is due to

  • a) Hyperparathyroidism b) Trauma
  • c)Diabetes                              c) Hypoparathyroidism

108. D shaped pupil is seen in

  • a)Iridocyclitis                b)Glaucoma
  • c)Dislocation of lense e)Iridodialysis

109.The presence of immunoreactive trypsinogen in blood spots in newborn suggestive of

  • a)Cystic fibrois      b)Trypsinogen deficiency
  • c)Coeliac disease d)Inborn error in tryptophan metabolism

110. Transient myeloproliferative disorder of newborn is seen in association with

  • a)Turner syndrome    b)Ataxia telengectasia
  • c)Neurofibromatosis d)Don syndrome

111. water content in infant is

  • a) 60-70 % b) 75-80%
  • c)80-90% d) 90-100%

112. Breat milk at room temperature is stored for

  • a)24 hr b) 12 hr
  • c) 8 hr d)4 hr

113. Fever stops and rash begins is diagnostic of

  • a)Chikungunya            b) Measels
  • c) Roseola infantum d)Toxic shock syndrome

114. What is the normal effect of progestrone on ureters in Pregnancy :

  • (A) There is more dilation of the left ureter than of the right.
  • (B) There is more dilation of the ureter.
  • (C) Both ureters dilate equally.
  • (D) Both ureters constrict equally.

115. The common cause of foetal tachy cardia :

  • (A) Foetal anaemia                   (B) Maternal anaemia.
  • (C) Maternal’hyperthermia. (D) Maternal Hypothermia.

116. The clinical features of Rokitansky syndrome are the following except:

  • (A) Primary amenorrhoea.       (B) Well developed Secondary Sexual Characters.
  • (C) Absent vagina and uterus. (D) Present vagina and uterus.

117. The septate uterus is formed as a result of:

  • (A) Fusion of Mullerian ducts,       (B) Incomplete fusion of the ducts.
  • (C) Noncanalisationof the ducts. (D) Nonresorption of the median septum.

118. Older gravidas have an increased incidence of:

  • (A) Ut. inertia.        (B) Mal prsentation.
  • (C) Hypertension. (D) Allot the above.

119. Meconium aspiration syndrome is associated with :

  • (A) Prolonged labour. (B) Post dated pregnancy.
  • (C) I.U.G.R.                      (D) All of the above.

120.Immediately following delivery height of uterus corresponds to—- weeks

  • a)12 b) 25
  • c) 20 d) 32

121. To obtain a true conjugate the following factor should be subtracted from the diagonal conjugate

  • a)3 cm b) 2.5 cm
  •  c)2 cm d)1 cm

122. Maximum function of corpus leteum occurs

  • a) At ovulation          b) 3 days After ovulation
  • c) Before ovulation d) 9 days after ovulation

123.Ovarian function after hystrecomy

  • a) Remain the same b)Increase
  • c) Decrease d) Decrease after 5 years

124. The correct line of management in a child who has swallowed a coin

  • (a) Wait and watch     (b) Fibro optic endoscopy
  • (C) Rigid endoscopy (d) Laparotomy

125.Primary feature of small intestinal obstruction

  • (a) Abdominal distention            (b) Fever
  • (C) High peristalisis with colic  (d) Vomiting

126.A patient undergoing TURP under bupivacane anesthesia suddenly developed pain after 30 minutes of surgery. May be due to

  • (a) Mesentric ischemia               (b) DIC
  • (C) Anaphylaxis of anesthesia (d) Bladder rupture

127) Match list I (diseases) and list II (operation procedure) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the list:
List I                                 List II

  • A. Hirschsprung’s disease    1. Abdominal perineal resection
  • B. Rectal carcinoma             2. Lumbar sympathectomy
  • C. Buerger’s disease           3. Whipple’s procedure
  • D. Periampullary carcino     4.Duhamel procedure

A) A:3, B:1, C:2, D:4 B) A:3, B:2, C:1, D:4
C) A:4, B:2, C:1, D:3 D) A:4, B:1, C:2, D:3

128. Which one of the following is the complication of “Meckel’s Diverticulum” ?

  • (a) Retinal detachment
  • (b) Haemorrhoids
  • (c) Peptic ulcer
  • (d) Corneal ulcer

129. Marked tenderness with severe pain at Mqburney’s point is a diagnostic feature of:

  • (a) Salpingitis
  • (b) Appendicitis
  • (c) Ovaritis
  • (d) Cystitis

130.Reparative granuloma of jaw is treated by

  • a)Curettage                                      b) Wedge resection
  • c) Resection & bone grafting   d)Antibiotics

131. In ‘hernia en glissade’ the most common content is

  • a) Uterus        b) Urinary bladder
  • c) Omentum d) Sigmoid colon

132. Subcutaneous calcifications are seen in

  • a)Hyperparathyroidism b)Gout
  • c) Onchrosis                        d) Malignancies

133. Renal tuberculosis originates in the

  • a)Renal medulla       b) Renal papilla
  • c) Afferent tubules d) Efferent tubules

134) Which one of the following indices of obesity can be calculated by the formula “Height (in cms.)- 100”?

  • a) Broca index
  • b) Body mass index
  • c) Corpulence index
  • d) Ponderal index

135) The bodies seen on microscopic examination of liver in viral hepatitis are

  • a) Aschoff bodies
  • b) Councilman’s bodies
  • c) L. D. bodies
  • d) Mallory`s bodies

136) Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I                        List-II
(Disease)                ( HLA allele)

  • A. Ankylosing spondylitis     1. DR3
  • B. Rheumatoid arthritis       2. B27
  • C. Haemochromatosis          3. BW47
  • D. Chronic active hepatitis  4. A3

Codes:  A B C D

  • (a) 3 4 2 1
  • (b) 2 5 4 1
  • (c) 2 1 4 3
  • (d) 3 5 2 4

137) Nikolysky’s sign is diagnostic of

  • a)Lichen planus
  • b)Pemphigus
  • c)Psoriasis
  • d)Tuberous sclerosis

138) A child develops acute renal failure following an episode of diarrhoea. Blood examination shows thrombocytopenia. Possible diagnosis:

  • a)Dengue shock syndrome
  • b)I.T.P
  • c)H.S.Purpura
  • d)Hemolytic uraemic syndrome

139) Match the following:
List-I                            List-II
A. U wave                       1. Hypothermia
B.Peaked T wave         2. Hypocalcaemia
C. Increased QT wave  3. Hyperkalemia
D. J wave                       4. Hypokalemia

  • (a) A-4,B-2,C-1,D-3
  • (b) A-4,B-3,C-1,D-2
  • (c) A-4,B-3,C-2,D-1
  • (d) A-1,B-3,C-2,D-4

140) Osteochondritis of tibial tubercle is called

  • a)Osgood schlatters diseases
  • b)Severs diseases
  • c)Kohlers diseases
  • d)Kienbocks diseases

141) The type of pneumonia appeared to be transmitted by water droplets in air conditioners& coolers is

  • a)Klebsiella pneumonia
  • b) Pneumocystic carini pneumonia
  • c)Legionella pneumonia
  • d)Mycoplasma pneumonia

142. The commonest form of MND is :

  • (A) Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis. (B) Western Pacific form.
  • (C) Progressive Bulbar palsy.              (D) Primary Lateral Sclerosis

143. Common psycho somatic respiratory disorder is :

  • (A) Bronchitis.                  (B) Emphysema.
  • (C) Bronchial Asthma.   (D) Pneumonia.

144. Bell’s Palsy is a :

  • (A) UMN type of facial palsy.  (B) LMN type of facial palsy.
  • (C) Both UMN and LMN type. (D) None of above.

145. In respiratory distress syndrome of new born (RDS):

  • (A) Cilia is devoid.                                    (B) Hucus is collected.
  • (C) Surfactant in Alveoli is Reduced (D) None of above.

146. Chronic Corpulmonale means :

  • (A) Heart failure.
  • (B) Respiratory Failure.
  • (C) Heart Disease secondary to lung Disease.
  • (D) Primary heart disease.

147. In athlets bradycardia is because ‘

  • (A) Becreased sympathetic tone. (B) Increased vagal tone.
  • (C) ‘Decreased vagal tone                (D) Increased sympathetic ton

148. Fat embolism can be caused by :

  • (A) Subclavian vein catheterisation. (B) Caesarean section. ,—–
  • (C) Fracture of long bones.                     (D) incised wounds of lower cervical region.

149)Match the following

  • A)Sabin fieldman dye test (1) Echinocoocus.garanulosus
  • B)Casoni`s test                (2)Toxoplasmosis
  • C)Aldehyde test                (3)Infectious mononucleosis
  • D)Paulbunneltest              (4)Leishmaniasis

(a)A-4,B-1,C-3,D-2 (b)A-2,B1,C-3,D-4
(c)A-2,B-1,C-4,D-3 (d)A-1,B-4,C-2,D-3

150) A child from a Sindhi family presented with severe anaemia,pereipheral smear shows microcytic hypochromic type,serum ferritin is normal,TIBC reduced next investigation of choice

  • (a)Hemoglobin electrophoresis (b)Seruum iron examination
  • (c)Kidney function test                 (d)Stool examination

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